In order to read dis novel PROPERLY, you first needa know what an Egg Child is, because Vame, the main character, is an Egg Child. Egg Children were invented… or should I say discovered… when Fanny and D.P. went to see the new Star Wars movie together. Before the movie started, Fanny noticed a preview for the movie Alpha, and in that trailer, Fanny noticed a pile of rocks with patterns on them that the Indian Tribe was sitting around. She suddenly realized that the eggs hatched the young of the tribe.

Egg Children invade planets slowly but surely over the course of many generations using a technique called INTERSPECIES PROCREATION. Since Egg Children aren’t technically human, if they have children with a human, their offspring will be an Egg Child. The Egg Child is a dominant gene that’s homozygous and prominent in all Egg Children. Egg Children are slowly taking over the world by procreating with humans In a few generations, we could all be Egg Children! You may think: What’s wrong with that? Egg Children are like zombies, they feel no emotion, which is why Vame is a very special Egg Child. He fell in love.

The origin of Egg Children is in the isolated DPokistin mountain range. They are born to a tribe of Native Americans that worships the eggs until they hatch. There is a large pile of painted Egg Child eggs in the middle of their camp, and they appreciate them more than anything else. The original Egg Child, now the tribe leader, is an old “man” named Squantum. He continued the race of Egg Children by procreating with a woman from another tribe. Soon there was a huge tribe of Egg Children, and they decided to continue their legacy by going down to a city and continuing their existence down in the midst of an extensive human population.

The Egg Children began to rapidly reproduce. Because of their rapid reproduction, they mixed in with society so quickly that no one knew there was another race mixed among them. The Egg Children now make up 14% of the world’s population. Your mom could be an egg child. Your BFFie frvr could be an Egg Child. All of your friends on ROBLOX could be Egg Children! We need to stop them, because though they look and act like humans but, on the inside, they have no knowledge and will soon wipe out our population.

Only two things on this planet can stop Egg Children: people who are dead inside (because Egg Children think that they’re already Egg Children, so they don’t feel the need to procreate with them), and drugs. If Egg Children do drugs, they turn back into rocks just like the egg they came from, and can only be revived if they come into contact with Poo-Pourri or the Forbidden Nectar (Tide).

The few people that know Egg Children exist are probably secretly helping them. What if there is a septic tank planted under your yard by your neighbors that’s helping the Egg Children? What if there is a huge Egg Child plantation underneath the stage at Minecon? Egg Children are here and we need to stop them! But how? Invite everyone at your school to a 4/20 party at your house and give them lots of drugs. It’s possible you could expose some Egg Children. Another way to tell if there are secret Egg Children near you is if they look like a chicken *cough cough Signosty* This is because Egg Children are distant relatives of chickens.

Watch out for your local Egg Children and stay safe kids.

Visit read the whole story!!

By oRIDGEinal

Remy Garguilo is the Sponsor of the oRIDGEinal literary magazine at Fossil Ridge High School.