Writing – Alexis Opper (alumna)

If you have ever wanted to write

A pyramid

Stacks of laborious words

Harshly sloping to

An exploding neon butterfly sky

That taste like salt water taffy

If you have ever wanted to write like that


If you have ever tried to write

A pair of lips

Puckered in a rosy matte

The artisans blend of natural flush

And artificial lollipop blush

That  kiss a reader with the pristine mix

Of tulip petals and teeny tiny roller skates

If you have ever wanted to write like that


If you have ever wanted to write a feeling

Than you have better felt

Because it’s too hard to write about happy

When what you know as happy

Is somewhere simmering

On your mother’s oven’s back burner

Between a light lust and a furtive calm


And don’t you try to write mad

Till you’ve been slapped

By the morphed contortion of a face

That once was some variation of kind

Because you thought you knew

What the word love meant

Because you took so many quizzes

And watched so many movies

And you listened to so much music


And make no attempts to write sad

Till you are a living diagnosis

Of a hollow body syndrome

When the doctors checked

And found no heart, no soul

And the weight of all that oxygen

In your empty shell

Drags you down till you feel tired

Every single day


Don’t lie and say you are

When you are not

Because only someone broken

Can write a forest

Filled with leaves but no trees

To work a magic

That suspends a bowling ball in air

And knocks a thousand pins down

In the same universal moment


So don’t try and write love

When you haven’t made the mistake

Of giving up your life

For someone else’s

And realizing that genuine fault

And have no regret

No matter how bruised

Your gag reflex is these days

Because hey, you have it all up

For a clouded image

Of what had the slightest chance

Of being real


So I don’t wish you luck in writing

And I don’t advise it as a life

Because to be so broken that

You don’t feel anything anymore

Except when your pen is on paper

Is the only way to write.

By oRIDGEinal

Remy Garguilo is the Sponsor of the oRIDGEinal literary magazine at Fossil Ridge High School.