Anonymous – I Believed

I believed

I believed in the way you called my name

I believed how you’d tell jokes with that smile

I believed when you’d let me help with dinner

By cutting fresh rosemary that was uncomfortably sticky

I believed the days you walked me to school

On mondays when the grass was freshly cut

I believed that memories were easier to recall

I wanted to believe when wed have to stay

Upstairs all night as you accused her of cheating

I wanted to believe how your jokes never seemed

To be lighthearted anymore

I wanted to believe when “don’t make him mad”

Became a human necessity

I wanted to believe when every restaurant

We went to had to have good beer

I wanted to believe how the floor

Became egg shells with no shoes on

I don’t believe when you say

That i don’t love you if i say no

I don’t believe how who i love

Was a fact ignored like it wasnt there

I don’t believe that you only seem happy

Or proud when my brother is around

I don’t believe how a gift became an act

Of apologizing

I don’t believe when someone yells at me

I immediately start crying

I don’t believe how Im scared of all boys

Because I think they’ll be like you

I don’t believe in dads anymore

I do believe in being sorry for that fact

By oRIDGEinal

Remy Garguilo is the Sponsor of the oRIDGEinal literary magazine at Fossil Ridge High School.